Lyn Shephard
Lyn Shephard
Meet Lyn, who has a long history working in vet hospitals, starting at Haberfield Vet at age 15, working the weekends at reception while still at school.
Lyn moved to Baulkham Hills Vet where she worked as a surgical nurse for 7 years completing her Cert 4 in veterinary nursing. Lindsay Hay taught her most of her orthopaedic nursing skills and remains in contact to this day. Lyn moved to Newtown Vets as a deliberate strategy to work in a vet hospital that had gone digital! She took the role of evening nurse 3pm-11pm for 4 years which she genuinely loved and in addition, provided her with emergency vet nurse skills.
A promotion to Head Nurse and a return to day shifts at Newtown for another 4 years, Lyn then joined the SAH Group where she worked for 25 years, the last 12 as Practice Manager. SAH provided enormous experience with all aspects of business where she worked on several projects, promotions, events, setting up newly purchased hospitals and recruitment. Lyn also studied Human Resources Management to gain more experience with staff communications and business processes.
After finishing at SAH, she took a break and followed another passion, helping her friend in her florist business. A love of horticulture was passed on by her grandmother who taught her how to prune her rose bushes.
Fast forward to July 2023, Lyn is looking forward to being back in the vet environment and being part of a team in a hospital that she knows will be a great asset to the local community.
When you were young, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A giraffe doctor! That’s what I told my parents constantly.
What’s your idea of a perfect long weekend getaway?
Personally, I do not get a lot of downtime so anywhere I can just hang with friends, partner and be fed nice food and drink good whisky.
Which language(s) do you speak?
Are you a pet owner? What do you have?
Yes, 3 chihuahuas, 2 DSH cats both grey (one quite grumpy), 3 goldfish, 3 chickens – one that lays green eggs.
What’s your favourite season and why?
Spring, not too hot or cold and people start venturing out a bit more.
What is your favourite food of all time?
That’s a hard one. It depends on the weather – summer – seafood and winter – tapas plates, middle eastern.
How do you like to relax and unwind after your workday?
I don’t get a lot of unwinding time. I help my kids with homework, spend time with my partner. In summer, we are in the pool a lot. I like reading, adventures to new places with my family. live music.
If you could have dinner with anybody in the world from across history, who would it be and why?
Nelson Mandela. He changed so much for so many people and put himself in tricky situations to achieve his goals.
Alive or passed—and money no issue—which musician would you love to see perform live?
Elvis Presley – I grew up listening to him. It would have to be in his black leather outfit though!
If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?
To fly, so I could travel anywhere.
What is your proudest achievement?
My kids